Frances Hynes 9/11/01 Charcoal and gouache on Strathmore 100% cotton paper
Horrific Unprecedented
Charcoal and gouache on Strathmore 100% cotton paper
19" X 25"
Frances Hynes 9/11/01 Charcoal, gouache, typing and collage on Strathmore 100% cotton paper
Reality Terrorist Attacks
Charcoal, gouache, typing and collage on Strathmore 100% cotton paper
19" X 25"

Frances Hynes 9/11/01 Charcoal, gouache and collage on Strathmore 100% cotton paper
The Awful Toll
Charcoal, gouache and collage on Strathmore 100% cotton paper
19" X 25"
Frances Hynes 9/11/01 Watercolor, gouache and collage on bond paper
Ground Zero
Watercolor, gouache and collage on bond paper
18" X 24"