UNSTRETCHED 1994-2004 watercolor and gouache on folded paper  UNSTRETCHED 1994-2004 oil on linen  UNSTRETCHED 1994-2004 oil on unstretched cotton, mounted on linen  UNSTRETCHED 1994-2004 oil on cotton
 UNSTRETCHED 1994-2004 oil on unstretched cotton canvas  UNSTRETCHED 1994-2004 oil on folded cotton lawn  UNSTRETCHED 1994-2004 oil on unstretched cotton canvas  UNSTRETCHED 1994-2004 oil on linen
 UNSTRETCHED 1994-2004 acrylic and oil on unstretched cotton canvas  UNSTRETCHED 1994-2004 oil on folded cotton lawn  UNSTRETCHED 1994-2004 oil on unstretched folded cotton canvas  UNSTRETCHED 1994-2004 oil on unstretched denim fabric mounted on canvas over cradled plywood
 UNSTRETCHED 1994-2004 oil on cotton canvas mounted and stretched  UNSTRETCHED 1994-2004 oil on unstretched, folded cotton  UNSTRETCHED 1994-2004 oil on unstretched, folded cotton  UNSTRETCHED 1994-2004 oil on unstretched fabric